How to show LOVE to your spine

S H O W   Y O U R   S P I N E   H O W   M U C H   Y O U   L O V E   I T !  

Did you know that your spine has been there for you since you were only 4 weeks in the womb? That’s when it starts developing and has been there to support you at all times. It has lifted you up to standing everyday since and it’s time for a thank you.

It’s time we give back to our spines and show some love by following these simple tips:

  • Lift correctly and responsibility - Before you are about to pick up an heavy object, think about the weight of the object and how you are about to lift it. Try and use both hands, keep the item close to the body, bend the knees to lessen the strain on the back and keep your back straight.

  • Good posture- Whether you are sitting at the office, on the couch or floor, make sure you are maintaining your spines natural curve as much as possible. Try to avoid long periods of twisting or looking down as it puts strain on the spine. Keep the chin level with the ground, keep your shoulders back and relaxed with both feet planted flat on the ground. This helps prevent hunching or leaning that can put the spine in a compromised position. It may be difficult to begin with, however with practice it will get easier and you may find you also feel more confident and happy when sitting upright with good posture.

  •  Visit your chiropractor - As specialist in the care of the spines function, mobility and optimisation, it is always a good idea to check in with your chiropractor to get adjusted and help the body move optimally.

  • Stay active - Take your deserving spine on a relaxing walk, to the gym for some weight lifting, yoga or even a swim at the pools or beach. Exercise keeps the spine moving, flexible and strong. The body and mind relationship is re-ignited when you use your body to move and stretch.




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