How To Spring Clean Your Mind and Space

As we enter September now is the perfect time to do a Spring Clean and declutter.
Cleaning out your space can often be a good tangible place to start. Start with one area or room that you find the least intimidating a work your way from there. Pinterest has so many great decluttering challenges available for free to help you select some overcrowded and neglected areas in your home or workplace.

Spring cleaning the mind can often present as a more difficult challenge, and is one space we may think of as "cluttered". You may have heard this referred to as the mental load or brain fog. When the mind is full and chaotic this can have adverse ramifications on the physical body too. Such as; high cortisol (stress) levels, poor quality sleep, lower immunity and anxiety.
We have 3 tips to help you spring clean your mind:

1. Brain Dump
Using paper and pen (archaic I know!) write down everything you have to do or remember. This list doesn't have to be in any particular order or categories, just write down everything as it comes to you. You can then go through with 2 different colour pens and highlight the tasks in one, and events or appointments in another. You can then number your tasks from most to least important and then you'll have a starting point to begin crossing off your list. With your events, enter them into your calendar and set up reminder alarms for the day  before to bring them to your attention.

2. Getting Mental Rest
With all the technology available to us, it can lead to the mind being constantly stimulated and searching for a kick of dopamine. A few ways to give the mind rest may be to turn off your phone after a certain time each day, detoxing from social media or journaling when thoughts become too overwhelming.

3. Practice Mindfulness Activities
Mindfulness is a further step in getting mental rest. This can incorporate some low stimulating hobbies such as colouring in, reading, craft activities, yoga or meditation. Choose an activity which you enjoy and can allow you to solely focus on the task at hand and block out any outside thoughts.
We hope these tips are helpful, and help you too jump start your 2024 Spring Clean!


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