What is Webster Technique?
Webster Technique for pregnancy in Northcote, Melbourne
What is Webster Technique for pregnancy?
The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis & adjustment that reduces nervous system stress, balances pelvic bones, muscles & ligaments, and optimises the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth.
Whether you are suffering from lower back pain, sciatica, pubic symphysis dysfunction, lightening crotch or wanting to optimise your body for the changing stages of pregnancy, Webster Chiropractic Techinique may be the solution as it works on addressing the root cause of the pain and assisting you to feel better during your pregnancy.
William Obstetrics, the founder of academic obstetrics in the US said "Any contraction of the pelvic diameters that diminish the capacity of the pelvis can create dystocia during labor." Which means that if there is anything that is impacting the pelvis’s ability to move during labor, it can create an abnormal, slow or difficult childbirth.
He then further states that the “diameter of the woman's pelvis is decreased when the sacrum is displaced.” Which means that if the sacrum is not in optimal position or moved, this can create dimished the capacity of the pelvis.
This is where Webster technique comes in, it focuses on balancing pelvic bones, muscles & ligaments, and optimises the mother’s pelvic function in pregnancy and birth.
Our Northcote chiropractors are specifically trained in the chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces nervous system stress, balances pelvic bones, muscles and ligaments, and optimises the mother's pelvic function in pregnancy and birth.
It is ideal for anyone planning to conceive, currently pregnant and postpartum as the body goes through huge changes during each of these processes and keeping the body aligned and balance may have wonderful benefits for mum and baby, their pelvis and spine.
If you have any further questions, please call our office or email us.
To book an appointment, click here and choose the First appointment (pregnancy) for a Webter technique appointment.