Neck pain from Technology

Scrolling endlessly on your phone or tablet may be the culprit for the source of your neck pain. This phenomena is called TECH NECK and is fast becoming a common health complaint of many. 

What is it? It is neck and posture pain that is associated with looking down at our devices for long periods of time and the pressure that places on your neck, spine and all the muscles and ligaments that help keep your neck upright. 
​​​​​​The posture of looking down at a device can put a lot of pressure on the spine and over time that strain may lead to headaches, migraines, chronic tightness in the upper back and other areas of your body. 

Australians spend approximately 5.5 hours per day on their phone, this can be from the moment one wakes up and even during mealtimes. 

While technology and the devices we use are imperative to our modern lives, changing a few habits to decrease the amount of stress placed on the neck can make huge improvements in your neck and spine. 

Here are a few ways:

- Holding your phone at eye level and keeping your body in an upright posture
- Setting up a standing desk so you are able to go from sitting to standing as you need. 
 - Scheduling time for technology breaks, this maybe just before bed or just as you wake up. Make it intentional and consistent for each day. 

If you are finding yourself in pain, it may be time to book an appointment and check in with your chiropractor. 


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