Stress and the vagus nerve

There are 12 cranial nerves in the body. Their job is to connect the brain to the different areas of the body. Some send sensory information (what we can see, taste, smell and hear), while others control movement and function. The vagus nerve is able to do both.

The vagus nerve begins in the brainstem and wanders down to the organs aiding in breathing, heart rate, digestion, and gut-brain communication. Another essential role this nerve plays, is to counterbalance the “fight or flight” response that the body can sometimes get trapped in, it does this by triggering a relaxation state.

The more things we can do to activate the vagus nerve, the stronger it becomes and the more we can balance the stress and overwhelm felt in the body.

Ways to strengthen the Vagus Nerve :

Belly Breathing
Take full deep breathes, making sure the abdomen expands with each inhale. This is slow and meaningful, and your exhale should last longer than your inhale. You should aim for 6 breaths a minute.

Cold water immersion
The shock of cold water (especially to the face and neck) helps to slow the heart rate, increase blood flow to the brain, and therefore ease stress. This may be as simple as submerging your face in cold water, or for the brave amongst us; a cold blast in the shower.

Exercise those vocal cords
Singing, humming and gargling all activate the vocal cords and muscles in the neck which strengthen the vagus nerve. Host a private performance in the car or shower and feel your heart rate slow.

Making sure the nervous system is balanced is what us chiros do best! Making sure the flow from the brain to all areas of the body is uninterrupted and seamless is always the goal.


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