Headaches & Chiropractic - Which type of headache do you get?

Blog: Headaches - Northcote Chiropractors - Blossom Family Chiropractic

Chiropractic care has been effective in treating headaches, in research it has been shown to be to reduce the frequency, intensity, and impact of a headache, both at a short-term and long-term follow-up*Did you know over 4.9 million Australians (20% of the population ) suffer from migraine? Or that up to seven million suffer from tension headaches? These staggering figures cost the economy $35.7 billion each year.

This means that you will likely suffer a headache or migraine at some point. It may be helpful to know which type you are experiencing and what you can do to help it. 

Most Common Types of Headaches

Tension Headache
Tension headaches are the most common cause of a headache in the general population. Tension headaches can cause mild to moderate pain and are often triggered by stress or fatigue.

They are often described as a ‘hat band’ tightness around the forehead, temples, and back of the head. When they are infrequent and episodic, they are usually stress related. However, a chronic type occurring most days is most likely due to pressure, fatigue, physical and psychological issues.

Other triggers may include poor posture, eye strain from excessive screen time, dehydration, caffeine dependence or withdrawal, smoking, and bright and or noisy environments. Chronic tension headaches can be disabling.

Cervicogenic Headache
A cervicogenic (neck related) headache often presents as pain that starts in the neck and is caused by disorders affecting the top of the spine, regarding either the bony disc, or soft tissue elements.

Typically, a cervicogenic headache is usually one-sided, beginning in the neck, and then spreading to the region of the eyes, forehead, and temples. Most of the time it is accompanied by uncomfortable neck pain, and as a result, your neck mobility may be limited.

During a cervicogenic headache pain can be moderate to severe intensity – but not excruciating or throbbing.

As it is believed that these headaches are caused by disorders affecting the top of the spine, chiropractic care can be an effective form of treatment.

Migraines often begin as a dull headache, developing into a constant, throbbing, and pulsating pain at the temples, and at the eyes, front or back of the head. They are usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light and noise. 

Despite its impact, migraines are often under-diagnosed and under-treated. 71% of migraine sufferers are women, which is thought to be due to hormonal factors.

Migraines can be either ‘Classic’ (with Aura) or ‘Common’ (without Aura). An Aura is an important symptom that typically precedes the headache itself and includes blurred vision, blind spots, and pins and needles in the face, hands, or arms.

Migraines can be complex and varied with a spectrum of severity, types and symptoms, which your chiropractor can help identify.

​​​​Chiropractic care has been effective in the reducing frequency, intensity, and impact of a headache, both at a short-term and long-term follow-up as it is a manual therapy and can not only treat headaches, it may also help prevent them occurring and decreasing the need for medications that can have other side effects also. 

Chiropractic care uses adjustments to the body, spine, muscles and ligaments to release tension, take pressure of the muscles and align your posture as a way to naturally treat your headaches. 

To book an assessment with our Northcote chiropractors- BOOK ONLINE NOW 

* https://chiromt.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12998-020-00360-3#:~:text=Chiropractic%20spinal%20manipulation%20resulted%20in,with%20a%20sham%20manipulation%20procedure.

* https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20647241/


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