Chiropractors Winter First Aid kit

With the multitude of viruses and illnesses floating around we want to share with you some tips and supplements us chiropractors take to keep up healthy, strong, and able to support you all in practice!

Keeping our immune system strong and able to fight off illness will always be the top priority. Prevention is better than a cure! 

Vitamin C is a staple when it comes to immune health. Vitamin C is essential for cell repair and growth and helps to fight free radicals in the body which are harmful and damaging to us. High doses also decrease the duration and severity of colds.

Zinc deficiency actually impairs healthy immune system function. Zinc helps to activate T-cells (a type of white blood cell) that are needed to fight off infections. Zinc is also an anti-inflammatory and supports wound healing.

Vitamin D plays a key role in the immune system by helping activate and regulate immune cells, and stimulating the production of antimicrobial proteins that fight off infections. It helps to reduce inflammation and is critical to bone health (which is why it’s one of our favourites!)

If we’re fighting off gastro or other digestive related illness a good quality probiotic is crucial. These good bacteria help to ease tummy upset, diarrhoea and keep your gut happy and healthy. More than 50% of the cells that create the antibodies needed to fight sickness, are found in the gut and intestines. If taking antibiotics for illness, a probiotic will absolutely be needed to replenish the stores your body needs.

If we do feel as though we’re coming down with a sore throat or cold, garlic and raw honey are great additions to cooking. Adding raw honey and lemon to tea can be very soothing as well as helping with staying hydrated.

Sipping on a warm bowl of bone broth is also very comforting. It is packed full of nutrients, helps with healing and hydration and is gentle on the tummy. It’s simple to make in bulk and is able to be stored in portion sizes in the freezer ready for whenever you need. Check out our go to recipe here.

As hard as it can be, adequate rest and hydration are essential when recovering from sickness. It can be hard to switch off and remember to keep up fluids (especially for those running around after little ones), but taking to time to sleep, watch tv and rest is absolutely needed to allow your body to heal.

Lastly, but certainly not least is we get adjusted regularly and are sure that our nervous system is firing at all levels and able to combat any ailments more efficiently. Stress and inflammation actually weaken the body and the immune response. Taking care of any misalignments and bodily tension is always our top priority, especially in the winter months.
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Common Winter Health Issues and How To Avoid Them


The Healing Hands of Chiropractic Therapy