Common Winter Health Issues and How To Avoid Them

The chill of Melbourne weather is well and truely hit Northcote; bringing common health issues with it. Have a read through the most reoccurring issues and how to best support your body through these winter months.

Common cold/ flu
We have become quite accustomed to proper hygiene and sanitation when it comes to preventing the spread of cold and flu viruses. Ensure you are washing your hands often and thoroughly, covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and taking time to rest and recuperate at home when you are feeling unwell.

Low vitamin D
With the thermostat dropping it can be very enticing to spend a greater amount of time rugged up indoors. Whilst comfy and cosy, this can lead to a decrease in vitamin D which we produce when sunlight hits our skin. Now, a landmark study of vitamin D levels in over 30,000 Victorians attending a large Melbourne hospital between 2014 and 2017 found that only 40% of patients had levels of vitamin D that are adequate for good health. A good quality vitamin D supplement will help to keep those summer stores nice and on track through the winter. We LOVE the Metagenics Vitamin D3 Drops! Ask us at your next appointment if you would like a bottle to keep your levels adequate during this gloomy Melbourne winter.

Sedentary lifestyle
Spending extra time indoors often means lounging on the couch binging tv series, spending more time curled up reading and a multitude of other actives which don’t require much physical excursion. Lack of exercise is never great for a healthy immune system. We are so spoilt for choice when it comes to indoor fitness studios! Pick a buddy to keep you accountable and motivated on those frosty mornings. 

Poor air quality indoors
Air quality indoors is typically much lower than that outdoors. Heaters, poor quality and dirty air filters, and increased incidences of people who are unwell coming into enclosed spaces such as offices or shopping centres all contribute to this. Where possible air out your space for a few minutes a day, dust and vacuum, change air filters on heaters and install carbon monoxide detectors.

Body Aches and Pains
With the colder weather and less movement, the body can become more stiff and full of tension. This can feel like sore shoulders, more frequent headaches, aching lower back and poor quality sleep. Braving the cold to make sure you keep on track with your chiropractic adjustments is vital. A nervous system that can function without interference can better protect from illness, help the body relax and ensure better quality of rest; all things needed to stay healthy!

book a chiropractic appointment online now 


Are YOU or your little ones congested? Try this.


Chiropractors Winter First Aid kit