What Magnesium should you be taking?

Many of you have probably heard us recommend a Magnesium supplement at some point in your healing health journey. We want to shine a spotlight on this special supplement which is needed for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body!

What is magnesium needed for?
- Helps to maintain normal nerve and muscle function
- Supports a healthy immune system
- Regulates your heartbeat
- Keeps your bones strong
- Helps to adjust blood glucose levels

Signs you may have a deficiency
- Loss of appetite
- Pins and needles
- Fatigue/weakness
- Muscle cramps
- Headaches
- Shaking

Types of Magnesium
Magnesium Glycinate- helps with sleep, anxiety and inflammation
Magnesium Citrate- used as a laxative, best studied form and good bioavailability
Magnesium Oxide- not as bio available to the body, commonly used for constipation or heartburn
Magnesium L-Threonate - best for brain function, potentially energising

Next time you are looking for a magnesium, check to see if the form it is in will be the best for your desired outcomes.

Our go to for a high quality, bio available powder form magnesium is Metagenics Calmx. Not all supplements are created equally and investing in a great one is more beneficial to your body down the line.

If you would like to discuss taking a magnesium or if it would be of benefit to you have a chat with us at your next appointment!


Spotlight: Dr Diana


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