As we all may know, winter is a time where colds and viruses are circulating and we may find an increase in instances of runny noses or nasty coughs. Your immune and nervous system are interlinked, the things we eat, read and consume have big impact on the the health of both systems. 

How to look after your immune system? ​​​​​​

  • Well balanced, seasonal foods- you are what you eat, and when that food is nourishing it can support your body in building its immune strength and ability to fight off bugs we encounter.

  • Supplements in areas where nutrients may be lacking. Due to the circumstances we were in last year from the bush fires, lockdowns and then a mild summer, many may be experiencing vitamin D deficiency. This can be checked with a blood test if you suspect it to be very low, which many may find that they are. 

  • Exercise and chiropractic adjustments - keeping your body and joints moving allows the lymphatic system to pump fluids around your body and the nervous system can do its job in communicating via your nerve pathways overall strengthening your body’s natural mechanisms to fight off illness. Getting in your adjustments, getting out for a walk, doing yoga or heading to the gym all aid in the bodies ability to function and keep you strong.
    To book your adjustment at our Northcote practice - click here 

  • Rest - this is the time your body recovers, heals and replaces cells. It is important to prioritise getting 7-9 hours for an adults and children 9-11 hours per night. Getting to sleep earlier in the evening is beneficial as well as it is align with our bodies natural circadian rhythm to wake up with the sun and sleep when it sets. 
    For more information on how to FINALLY sleep deep and well, check out our blog.

  • Positive thoughts - the university of QLD did a study finding that a having a positive attitude can improve your immune function.

Your in health, 

Blossom Family Chiropractic - Northcote


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